Payment #18: 32 blocks mined

Payment number 18 was done. We forged 32 blocks this week and paid 1.9 Waves and 256 MRT to our lessors. Payment #18  (30-12-2018) Payment spreadsheet

Payment #17: 24 blocks mined

Payment number 17 was done. We forged 24 blocks this week and paid 1.9 Waves and 152 MRT to our lessors. Payment #17  (23-12-2018) Payment spreadsheet

Payment #16: 28 blocks mined

Payment number 16 was done. We forged 28 blocks this week and paid 1.3 Waves and 170 MRT to our lessors. Payment #16  (16-12-2018) Payment spreadsheet

Payment #15: 20 blocks mined

Payment number 15 was done. We forged 20 blocks this week and paid 3.8 Waves and 123 MRT to our lessors. Payment #15  (09-12-2018) Payment spreadsheet

Payment #14: 25 blocks forged

Payment number 14 was done. We forged 25 blocks this week and paid 11.5 Waves and 200 MRT to our lessors. Payment #14  (02-12-2018) Payment spreadsheet

Payment #13: 22 blocks forged

This week we forged 22 blocks. We paid 4,7 Waves en 176 MRT to our lessors. Thanks for leasing to Cryptin! Payment #13  (25-11-2018) Payment spreadsheet

Payment #12: 40 blocks forged

Our Waves node forged 40 blocks this week, like last week again an ATH for us! We paid 9.2 Waves and 320MRT to our lessors. Thanks for leasing to Cryptin Waves node! Payment #12 (18-11-2018) Payment spreadsheet

Payment #11: 34 blocks forged!

Our Waves node forged 34 blocks this week, a new ATH for us! We paid 4.2 Waves and 238MRT to our lessors. Thanks for leasing to Cryptin Waves node! Payment #11  (11-11-2018) Payment spreadsheet

Payment #10: 20 blocks mined

Our Waves node forged 20 blocks this week. We paid 6.4 Waves and 140 MRT to our lessors. Thanks for leasing to Cryptin Waves node! Payment #10  (04-11-2018) Payment spreadsheet

Payment #9: 21 blocks mined

Our Waves node forged 21 blocks this week. We paid 13.6 Waves and 146 MRT to our lessors. The amount of transactions and the amount of Waves leased to us is going up so leasing Waves is getting more profitable. Thanks for leasing to Cryptin Waves node! Payment #9  (28-10-2018) Payment spreadsheet